Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Young children need to play!

Young children need to play! Play is so important for them just as love, food, care and hope. Fun and joy can be experience through their play.

Play enables children to find out about themselves and the world.  A child who is absorbed in play is likely to be a happy child, as play provides feelings of satisfaction and achievement. 

Play helps to prevent boredom. Preventing a child from being bored is very important, feeling bored will lead them to bad temper, irritability and destructiveness.

 Play can help reduce stress. The acting out of stressful situations can help them to seem more familiar and therefore less frightening. For example, by playing, child becomes familiar with the objects or thing that surround them.  This will help them to understand more better in their real life.  

Besides, play can be an effective and enjoyable way for children to develop skills:

Physical skills including fine and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills developed when they string beads, make clay figures, and cut with scissors.On the other hand, gross motor skills are when they play ball, roller skate, and run relay races. 

Intellectual skills also known as thinking skills will developed when they construct a block tower, follow directions to a game, and figure out pieces to a puzzle.

Language skills are developed when they play name games, sing songs, and recite jump rope rhymes.

Emotional skills. Play helps children to release stress. In addition, play brings fun and enjoy to children.

Social skills when they team up to play ball games, discuss rules for a card game, and decide who will play what part in dramatic play

Creative skills. Children gain creative thoughts when they make up stories, put on a puppet show, and play with dress-ups.

In conclusion, play are very important for children as well as their developmental areas. Play helps children in many ways and lead them to a more healthy lifestyle.

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