Thursday, February 24, 2011

Have Fun With These Videos.....

Cute baby saying no to everything....=)

Some nurses put a baby to swim....the baby is enjoying in the water...from Taiwan 

Cute sleepy baby trying to stay awake

Cute signing baby! sign language

Baby with KungFu face 

Genius baby 

Hope you enjoy these videos....laugh along with them....=)

The Benefits of Music

Kids who grow up hearing music, singing songs, and moving to the beat are enjoying what experts call "a rich sensory environment." That's just a fancy way of saying they're exposed to a wide variety of tastes, smells, textures, colors, and sounds. And researchers believe this forges more pathways between the cells in their brains.
Musical experiences are an important way to help create these pathways, also called neural connections. And while listening to music is certainly key to creating them, it's when kids actively participate in music that they make the strongest connections.
Research shows that kids who are actively involved in music (who play it or sing it regularly):
  • do better in reading and math when they start school             
  • are better able to focus and control their bodies
  • play better with others and have higher self-esteem

    Growing Up, Growing Musically

    Preschoolers develop a catalog of songs, from "Happy Birthday" to "Old MacDonald." They begin by singing portions of favorite songs, sometimes substituting different words or rhythms. Eventually, they can sing entire songs, although the pitch may be off.
    You've probably noticed that your preschooler can keep a steady beat. You can help your child practice this skill by encouraging listening for beats — and determining if they're steady or not — in everyday objects. For example, point out the noise a kitchen clock makes and ask your child if it is a steady beat; then ask if a sound like a car horn or a dog barking has a steady beat. Practice clapping or tapping the beats to favorite songs and encourage your child to copy you.

    How to make fun volcano experiment with your children??

    Title: Eruption of Volcano

    Materials: Vinegar, baking soda, food colouring, water, sand, glue, dish soap, container, polystyrene container, aluminum foil, and newspapers.
    Advance preparation for the lesson: Prepare 2 teaspoons of baking soda on tissue. Twist up the tissue so it looks like a little pouch.
    Development of Lesson:
    1. Give the children one sheet of newspaper to prevent they get dirty on desk.
    2. Distribute all the materials.
    3. To make the volcano cone: Pour glue into the tray; make sure that most of the glue is placed on the centre of the container. Glue the container in the centre of the aluminium tray.
    4. Using your hands, cover the entire surface of the container with glue.
    5. Pour some sand around the container so that it looks like model of volcano. Be careful do not let the sand get into the container. Children might need to add some water or glue to the sand, to make it stickier.
    6. To create lava colour: Parents can add few drops of yellow food colouring to the vinegar.
    7. Peel off the aluminum foil that covers on the bottleneck of the container.
    8. Pour 1/4 of water into the container.
    9. Then add 1/4 of vinegar into the cone.
    10.  Add few drops of dish soap to your container.
    11. To make your volcano erupt: Drop the pouch of baking soda into the volcano and watch it explode!
    Conclusion: you can experience on making the volcano and the process of volcano erupting.
    This activity not only brings you fun and explosive experience, it also helps strengthen the relationship between you and your children.
    Let's have fun with your children now!

    This is the video on how to make a volcano experiment. 

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    Having art & craft with children before Chinese New Year

    Today (26th january 2011) we do art & craft with 4 years old children, we do a paper plate rabbit and fan decoration with them, because Chinese New Year is around the corner so we do some art & craft related with it. All the children sat on the floor with newspaper on the floor, they sat half circle and all the materials was put in front of them. There were 10 children and 2 teachers. Each children were given a fan that no decoration on. We prepare few water colours and different kind of bead to let the children decorate on the fan and all the materials that we need to do the paper plate rabbit. Before started the art & craft, teacher give them the instruction and tell the children purpose of we doing this art & craft. 

    These are the materials we need to make paper plate rabbit:

    • 9-inch paper plate
    • Brown craft paint
    • Cotton ball
    • Small pink pom-pom
    • Medium-sized wiggle eye
    • 2 paper fasteners
    • Scissors
    • Pen
    • White craft glue
    • Paper plate bunny pattern
    Here are the steps how to make it:

    1. Turn the paper plate face down and color the back with brown paint. Then let it dry.
    2. Cut the paper plate in half, and then trim off an additional inch from one half along the straight cut edge.
    3. Using the pattern as a guide, cut out the head, legs, and ear pieces from the other half of the painted paper plate. Position the back leg over the bottom right side of the body. Holding the body and leg piece together, poke the tip of a pen through the pieces, and then insert a paper fastener. Repeat this step with the front leg as well. 
    4. Attach the head to the back of the body using tape. Attach the ears to the back of the head using tape.
    5. Glue cotton ball on as tail and the pink pom-pom on as the nose. Attach the wiggle eye using white glue as well.

    Next, we do the fan decoration, here are the materials we need: 

    • 3 sheets red construction paper
    • Decorative foam stamps (we chose a swirl and an orange slice)
    • Gold acrylic paint
    • Paint brush
    • Glue stick
    Here are the steps how we made the Chinese new Year fan: 

    1. Decorate the red paper with gold painted foam stamps. We chose a swirl design as well as an orange. Oranges are symbolic of wealth in Chinese culture. Paint the foam stamps with gold paint and press onto the paper. Let dry completely. 
    2. Use a glue stick to attach all three decorated sheets together, end to end lengthwise.
    3. Fold red paper accordion style, making the pleats about 1" wide. 
    4. Gather all the pleats together and then hold firmly at one end. 
    5. Wrap chenille stems around the end that you are holding to form the handle. Begin with gold chenille, then add red, and finish with gold.  
    6. This step is optional, but if you prefer a longer handle, you can insert two jumbo craft sticks up inside the gathered handle. Squeeze a little glue into the opening to secure the sticks. Let dry. You can also paint the craft sticks gold or red. Children can decoration what ever they want.

    Young children need to play!

    Young children need to play! Play is so important for them just as love, food, care and hope. Fun and joy can be experience through their play.

    Play enables children to find out about themselves and the world.  A child who is absorbed in play is likely to be a happy child, as play provides feelings of satisfaction and achievement. 

    Play helps to prevent boredom. Preventing a child from being bored is very important, feeling bored will lead them to bad temper, irritability and destructiveness.

     Play can help reduce stress. The acting out of stressful situations can help them to seem more familiar and therefore less frightening. For example, by playing, child becomes familiar with the objects or thing that surround them.  This will help them to understand more better in their real life.  

    Besides, play can be an effective and enjoyable way for children to develop skills:

    Physical skills including fine and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills developed when they string beads, make clay figures, and cut with scissors.On the other hand, gross motor skills are when they play ball, roller skate, and run relay races. 

    Intellectual skills also known as thinking skills will developed when they construct a block tower, follow directions to a game, and figure out pieces to a puzzle.

    Language skills are developed when they play name games, sing songs, and recite jump rope rhymes.

    Emotional skills. Play helps children to release stress. In addition, play brings fun and enjoy to children.

    Social skills when they team up to play ball games, discuss rules for a card game, and decide who will play what part in dramatic play

    Creative skills. Children gain creative thoughts when they make up stories, put on a puppet show, and play with dress-ups.

    In conclusion, play are very important for children as well as their developmental areas. Play helps children in many ways and lead them to a more healthy lifestyle.

    What Is The Importance Of Exercise For Children? Should They Join Gym For Having Healthy Exercises?

    Nowadays it is very essential for kids to engage themselves in some physical activity so that they stay healthy. By exercising they can get stronger bones and muscles. Exercising will also help to reduce fat and cholesterol level in your child's blood. It is also seen that kids are more interested in eating the fatty eatables and fast foods, which increases their weight. So it is a must for kids to involve in some exercise and physical activities. Along with following a fitness regimen they also need to have good eating habits. By exercising and good eating habits, they can also decrease the risk of developing diabetes in future. 

    There is no need of kids going into the gyms for exercises because they can do exercises by playing games that indulge them physically into such games. And these games provide enough exercise to the kids and excitement to the kids. Exercises are very much important for the children to maintain their proper health. There are so many benefits of the exercise that a kid may enjoy. 

    By doing exercise they can develop healthier and stronger muscles and they can also have a smart and active body because the exercises help them in reducing fats. Those who are in the habit of doing regular exercise have very less chances to suffer from obesity and fatness. The risk of the disease like diabetes and high blood pressure may also decrease and one might enjoy healthy and good life. Exercises also help in reducing the cholesterol level in the body and that is how one may not suffer from cholesterol diseases. 

    The kids who are habitual of exercises do not only possess good health but they also have strong will power. They can enjoy both physical and emotional health and this is why they feel themselves contented and happy with their lives.

    Kids have a seemingly never ending supply of energy, they can go for hours and hours with out seeming tired. This is their natural way of exercising, and this is how they grow, in unison with a healthy diet and plenty of rest. Kids can have some light exercise like stretching, waling and etc. 

    Monday, February 21, 2011

    10 tips for parents

    In my opinion, tips from the article are useful for parents. Parents can review on these tips to get better understanding on how to take care of their children in a more appropriate way.  For example, parents should set expectations or boundaries for children. Sometimes, parents need to say 'no' to those children who do something that are over limits.

    I hope this article may help you.


    Friday, February 18, 2011

    Parenting Children with Learning Disabilities: Tips and Help

    Parenting Children with Learning Disabilities: Tips and Help

    In my opinion, here are some tips that you can help your child overcome learning disabilities. Parents can literally make notes as you observe your child's learning behaviour. Parents should know few things about their children. Do they resist reading? Do they take long time to complete homework? Are they struggle to maintain attention in class? Do they fail to follow through? Each of these symptoms is key to understanding how to unlock his or her learning potential.  prepare helpful reading materials. Parents can use these tips to help your children to  overcome their problem. Hope these tips can help you.